How's It Going?

In keeping with my sports fandom, I should be writing about the NBA Playoffs. But with the 4 out of 7-game format, they seem to go on forever. The good stuff is still a couple of weeks away, when we get the Western and Eastern Finals leading to the BIG FINAL.

So let’s focus on OUR situation right now. It seems we are taking longer than anticipated to “come back” from the down economy. The ugly truth is some of our business models are obsolete, and are never coming back. So now, the most dreaded question seems to be, “How’s it going?” You are tempted to just say, “Great,” but your integrity won’t let you if it’s not great, so the look on your face will give you away. Besides, you want to continue the conversation: you may be able to help this person and they can help you.

I subscribe to a variation of the “good news/bad news” way of imparting news. I translate it to “good news/stuff I’m working on.” For example: I always have a recent “good news” accomplishment to share, and it’s always the truth. Example: “I loved speaking to the National Association of Women in Construction the other night and I was very well received.” Then I share something in progress that I may need their help on. Example: “I’m working on my speech coach business. I’m writing marketing speeches for business owners and salespeople; I get them through their nervousness and help them craft their speech with passion and humor so they won’t be boring.” I continue: “How’s it for you? Are you presenting your business a lot?” The purpose is to start a conversation and discover how we can help each other.

During this very long transition, I find it helpful to remind myself every morning what I know to be true for me and you: that what you have to offer is unique, and the world desires it. Nothing can stand in the way of your inspired creativity. And your power to accomplish is unlimited. Really, THAT’S how it is, isn’t it?