Comeback Time? Yes, We Can!

Momentum is highly overrated. The Patriots came back after being down 28-3. The Cavs won after being 3 games to one. And my beloved Cubs came back after being 3 games to one. The definition of “comeback” in sports is: an event where an athlete or team that is significantly losing a contest, closes the…

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Cubs Win! Women Win!

“C’mon Chapman – be a hero!” I found myself talking to the pitcher under my breath in my sister’s living room, watching the large screen. Then, double play, and it was over. Cubs win! Cubs win! I thought of my dad, since I’d just said his sentence. Although I’m a football girl now, my journey…

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Let's All Root-Root-Root for the Home Team

I did not realize how badly I want an NFL team to call my own until I went to a Los Angeles Dodgers game in Dodgers Stadium Saturday night.  Not that I’m a big Dodgers fan, having grown up in Chicago going to Cubs and White Sox games (yes, both, due to a “mixed marriage”). …

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3 Stooges Alive and Well on the Diamond!

I really try to avoid watching baseball, baseball highlights, commentary, or anything to do with baseball—until the World Series.  However, with 162 games in the regular season, it’s really hard to do.  And we are only halfway done . . .so there I am, watching SportsCenter, when something “baseball” caught my eye.  It was the…

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