Fallback Friday: Zoom Tips

Time for a Fallback Friday I wrote in April 2020, when we thought we would be back in person soon. This last month, the national news has been difficult for me. I’m full of outrage and sadness. So what can I possibly tell you, dear readers, that’s helpful? We are not all the way back,…

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Anything Worth Zooming…

Anything Worth Zooming Is Worth Zooming Well—my new mantra. So now there are no real-life, in-person appointments or audiences. You are still talking to people, right? Zoom meetings and webinars abound. I have attended many in the past few days. And if your content and delivery are valuable and well done, will people be more…

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You Can Lead a Speaker to a Speech…

My TEDx event at Loyola Marymount University is fast approaching on October 27. I’m the speaker coach for all nine speakers! And I’m the emcee! The speeches are written, edited, fine-tuned. Now the work begins. I say “You can lead a speaker to a speech, but you can’t make them learn it.” And you need…

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How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?

Ya know how when you go to a wedding, and speaker after speaker comes to the front, extolling the virtues of the bride and groom? And it’s just lovely, except the part at the beginning, when they pull out three sheets of paper, and you can kinda tell, even from far away, that the type…

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