Comeback Time? Yes, We Can!

Momentum is highly overrated. The Patriots came back after being down 28-3. The Cavs won after being 3 games to one. And my beloved Cubs came back after being 3 games to one. The definition of “comeback” in sports is: an event where an athlete or team that is significantly losing a contest, closes the…

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Your Speech Coach Says, "Play to Your Strengths"

Loved watching every moment of the NBA Finals—tweeting with millions of others as I watched!  I looked for a connection between those fast-paced, close-scoring games, and coaching you to present yourself and your business with confidence.  I found 3 points of intersection. 1.  Know your opponent (in sports), or audience of potential clients (in business). …

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NBA finals: Are You an Unselfish Teammate?

It’s the triumph of the phrase, “there’s no ‘I’ in ‘team.’”  As a Human Resources professional, it warms my cockles that the teams in the NBA Finals starting Thursday night are most known for unselfish play:  most willing to pass or defer shots to a teammate better positioned to get it done. The Miami Heat,…

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Inspiration Till PreSeason

If you’ve been following my Tweets, you see I am really digging the NBA Finals. Some lessons from football carry over, and are IMPORTANT for us to remember every day: 1. The commitment is 100% and they play to the whistle. 2. Perseverance is their battle cry. I love the definition: “steadfastness in doing something…

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Sports: The Only True Meritocracy

The NBA Finals were truly exciting and gratifying to watch.  Both teams really played “team.”  They passed the ball many times before the player with the best (unimpeded) “look” took the shot to make the basket.  (How do you like my oh-so tech language?  😉  And the team that played that way the most, won. …

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