How Do We Restart?

Shut down. Restart. We can’t just push a button. How do we turn back on? Here’s my process. I call it the 6 M’s. These 6 M’s are my cornerstones to achieve conscious competence. Conscious competence is the awareness of the process that allowed your success, so you can repeat it. Number 1: Mission. Be…

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Christmas Day on Avenue Q

Growing up Jewish, I don’t miss the Christmas-morning-presents-under-the–tree-memory. I don’t miss it because I never had it. On Christmas day, my family and I would go to a big, popular movie in the afternoon and eat Chinese food after that. Tradition. As an adult, I celebrated special Christmases with friends under their Christmas trees, with…

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Be Curious. Never Assume.

Curiosity is respectful. Assuming is not. I learned this from a wonderful therapist long ago, and it was my lesson this week. When you don’t bother to find out about people who think differently from you, you can assume things about them, and you may miss what’s really important: what they have in common with…

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Your Speech Coach Says, "Put Your Audience First"

How do you persuade customers or clients? The only way you can get someone to give you what you want – to persuade them to use your product or service – is to motivate them with your words. And here’s my little story about motivation. Picture it – you are eight years old in 3rd…

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